Sunday, 30 October 2011

Poll now up - please help me decide

SO i am sitting tonight wondering what should be my next HAED chart that i get. I know i already have so many on the go, but one is going to take a back seat for a while, as i have lost all intrest in her at the moment. So would like something to replace her with. The poll is already set up to the right of the page, but below are the pictures of the charts i like
 mini peacock lagoon
 siberian forest 
 emerald hawthorn & mini emerald hawthorn
 gypsy firefly

I really would love them all, but santa is poor this year, so only going to allow myself one of them.Thank you for your help.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

butterfly wood update

just a quick update before i move onto once was innocent.

over the past 5 days i have managed to do 3241 stitches, bringing my completion to 6.3%. I only have 7690 stitches left to finish my 1/2 year goal on this piece.

Monday, 24 October 2011

another weeks work - say hi to paul

So monday to friday saw me working on butterfly wood to try and get my 1/2 year goals complete, followed by flight of imagination on sat/sun.

butterfly wood - 2530 stitches done this week taking it up to 5.2% complete

Flight of imagination - 1530 stitches done over the 2 days taking it to 1.8% complete. Also say hello to paul the alien that is peaking out to say "HI!"

Monday, 17 October 2011

IHSW pics update

Well as promised here are the pictures of the progress i made on the different charts. Train of dreams i posted at the start of the ihsw, flights of imagination is a new start, and butterfly wood, im sure you will be able to find on one of my other posts(if you want to see a before pic)
 - butterfly wood
 - full length shot of new start - flight of imagination

 - close up of  yellow that will form the hot air balloon 
 - the start of a green book.
 - train of dreams ( now 18.66% complete)


well i have just packed all my stitching away and i have managed a grand total of 4460 stitches from friday till just now ( sunday night).

Friday - 1203 stitches on train of dreams
Saturday - 1722 stitches on train of dreams
Sunday - 387 on butterfly wood and 1148 on a new start - flights of imagination.

I will get all pics up tomorrow, very tired now as its half 1 in the morning.

Good luck to those still stitching

Friday, 14 October 2011

train of dreams

Hi all i have been working on Train of dreams for the past two weeks, and i am hoping after the IHSW this weekend that i will have my 1/2 yearly goals done. ( need another 2759 stitches done to complete the goal).

So over the past 2 weeks i have done 6588, which isnt bad since the first week i didn't stitch for half of it.

As stated i am doing this for the IHSW so i will post an after pic on monday for you all to see.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

thread sorting and new frame

Well my new frame arrived yesterday from needle needs, so i can finally start train of dreams again.

I have not been cross stitching much recently as i have been sorting out my threads.

hopefully this will help speed things up for me.