Monday, 30 January 2012

another week on train of dreams

Well after another week on train of dreams i am now at 27.9% after doing over 4500 stitches this week.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

mini update

i should have done this a while ago but only just remembered.

Monday, 23 January 2012

IHSW and weekly update

Hi all so this is the first IHSW of the year. Unfortunately i never took a picture on thursday night to show what it was like, but i have included what it looked like last sunday(15th) before i started it, and what it looked like last night(22nd - sunday evening).
last week -

last night -

All in i have done 4881 this week , and 1925 of those were over the IHSW.

Thursday, 12 January 2012


So I have finally decided on my haed goals, it may not be a lot , but that is more due to me starting new projects.My unofficial goals are to complete these three pieces ( if i can resist some new starts - doubtful) the official goals are...

1. finish 2012 SAL (tent) - as it stands now

2. Finish 50% of train of dreams ( full x ) - as it stands now (just over 18%)

3. To finish 50% of mini - bed of clouds(tent) - as it stands from last night ( 10%)

here is hoping to a good year

Sunday, 8 January 2012

day 5 sal

so tonight see's the end of day 5 working on the 2012 sal. i am now 4919 stitches in (24%) after doing over 1100 stitches tonight.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

SAL update

well here my my sal update.

I have done 3811 (18.6%) of the total chart, and i am hoping to have page 1 complete that i have a new mobile i am hoping i will be able to update on here more often.